About Us

  • RepLadies Workshop is focus on making the highest grade of Hermes handbag image copy, we are located in Guangzhou city mainland China, here have the largest leather product market in the world, we work very closely with supply chain of the leather industry, like the leather importer, metal hardware parts manufacturer etc.
  • All the genuine animal leather and Exotic animal skins we use are all imported from Europe, South-east Asia and Australia. The high quality material let our client customize their handbag like original. All our experienced artisans are skillful at sewing technique, most of them have 15-20 years experience of leather production. Some of them are trained and worked in Europe for many years.
  • As we know the craftsmanship is the most important part of our business, we are serious in every details of every handbag to make our valuable customer happy.
Super Fake Hermes Factory ( Handmade )
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